Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Limited time....

I had to do a few things after dinner (pay bills online, install my camera software on the new laptop, etc.). It seriously limited my stamping time. I had to get a Father's Day card in the mail today for my dad. I don't know why but his mail is SO slow. It's only going to NH but it takes more than 4 days. I just don't get it. Must be his powdunk post office!

Anyhoo, I just made a quick and simple card. He's a basic kind of guy. I colored in with blender pens and SU Riding Hood Red and then painted shimmerz over it in Royal Red and Silver. Like I said....very basic. I know I should have put some brads or something else on but I didn't. He'll never know the difference! LOL


  1. This came out great! You do such a good job with the blender pens. I'm sure he will love it.
