Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I lost my mother (just can't find her).....

I did not have a good stamping night last night. I had a Penny Black image hanging around for-EVAH, so I decided to use it for one of the six Mother's Day cards I have to make.

I never use SU Groovy Guava and I have the paper, ink, ribbon, etc. So.....I found some dp that had colors that resembled Groovy Guava, Certainly Celery and Old Olive. I used my waterbrush and colored in the image. Oh, it was really pretty. I added some Regal Rose to the center, just to make it look a little better. Then I mounted it on a mat and put pop dots on the corners. I put my dp on, ribbon, etc. and then decided my Happy Mother's Day wouldn't fit on an oval to the side.

Ok, then I thought I could just stamp it right on to the image, down below. I could not for the life of me find my Mother!! I moved papers, inks, etc., looked on the floor, but I couldn't find it.

I had to take out a CTMH set I have, arranged that on my block and stamped. Only I forgot it had popdots on the back, so of course the middle didn't stamp. Grrrrrr...I ruined the whole image. I wasn't too happy. So my smaller MSE sentiment set is missing it's mother!!


  1. OH NO!!! By your title I was feeling so sad for you, and I guess I still am, but for a much different reason, you stinker!!LOL :) I'm so sorry you lost your little stamp. Hope it shows up!! I've had those cling stamps stick to the backsides of things and takes me a while to find them. That sounds like a very pertinent stamp to have though--REALLY HOPE it shows up SOON!!

    (Still wouldda liked to see your project--goof and all! I've shown mine before) ;)

  2. OMG!!! I am so sorry! I hate when something like that happens! I hope you have better luck with the rest of the cards. I only have to make one and it is giving me fits. Like you, my Mothers day stamp is big. I went to IAI today and bought a small one. It took me 6 tries to get it to fit in the nestie. Very frustrating.

  3. OK, you should totally NOT put things like "I lost my mother" in the title, which shows up in my Google Reader. Gave me a panic! :)

    Hope the rest of it goes well :)

  4. Geesh girl!! You gave me a frickin heart attack!! Sorry you lost your stamp but glad it wasn't your mom.

  5. You almost gave me a heart attack! I was dreading to finish reading your post. Hope you find the mother stamp.
