Thursday, May 21, 2009

Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend....

Yep, I have been so busy at work, it's been crazy. I worked through my lunch hour today and ended up staying a bit late. I love when people ask me if it's nice and slow now that the semester ended. HUH?!! I have another one beginning in one week and our fiscal year end is coming up so budget issues are surfacing. Oh, and I sometimes get the question, "Do you get the summer off?" HAHAHAHAHAHA, that is hilarious! NO. I have vacation time to take but that's about it.

Anyway, enough griping. I cannot wait for the long weekend. I'm not doing a thing!! This is what I did on Mother's Day and I'm going to repeat it without sandals. LOL I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will try to post but just in case I get lazy....


  1. I love it! Too bad we aren't close by-I picked up some nail polish tonight-a relaxing weekend should include pedis!

  2. I love the thought of nothing. that is pretty much what I am doing too.

  3. I have stuff to do this weekend ,but i will take at least one day and follow your lead and do nothing at all!!

  4. I'm with you! Nothing planned! I want to just relax and do what I want to do.

  5. Oh, I wish I can just sit down and do nothing. I am seeing monkeys right now :-) ... am halfway done with the coloring but still need to plan the basic design of the card. I found a matching green/white pp which I could use. Just need to find the solid CS one to match. Otherwise, I'll go white and green :0).

  6. Too funny Michelle! I get the same questions and we started summer semester last Saturday! I haven't been in so I am not sure how busy it has been. We have a few things planned, including the parade on Monday. have a great one!
