Thursday, April 30, 2009

Couple of things....

Mary asked if I saw the twins. Yes, I did, Mary. They are adorable and so tiny!! I didn't post a pic because I didn't get permission of the parents. I'm funny like that, I 'd never post without someone telling me it was ok. I'm quite sure she won't mind me posting little Aiden's legs and feet though. Look how small he is compared to my hubby's hands.

One more thing....please think good thoughts for my house sale right now. I don't want to say anything. We don't have any offer but.....I could use some positive vibes!!! Thanks!


  1. Soooo tiny! Happy they are both doing well.

    Sending lots of positive house selling vibes your way....

  2. Too teeny abd too cute~

    Praying for the house sale.

    Saw this & thought of u:


  3. Oh my goodness, SO tiny! Precious picture though :)

  4. Good vibes coming your way! Love the little, tiny feet....too cute!

  5. Stopping by.
    Sending you some good vibes on the house sale.

  6. Good house vibes coming your way...and thanks for the nice things you said about me on Dustin Pikes blog...that was sooo sweet! ok, good house vibes, good house vibes, good house vibes...

  7. Awwww!!! SOOO TINY!!! Brings back memories. My youngest was a premie and only weighed 4 lbs. Those precious tiny feet and sooo CUTE.

  8. I was hoping you got to see the twins, those feet are so tiny and cute. I wouldn't post pics either without an ok. I am glad everyone is doing great. Are they home from the hospital yet?
    Peggy already said to keep good thoughts about the house. I have everything I can cross, crossed!!!
