Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh deer.....

My poor son hit a deer last night! Dh and I had just gone up to bed and it was much later than usual. We heard a car and then ds coming up the stairs. He knocked and I was so surprised because he never does that (we are always asleep when he gets home anyway).

He was so upset because he was coming up the hill into our neighborhood when suddenly a deer jumped out in front of him. He said it was down on the pavement and then it got up and went around in circles and ran off to the side and laid down. Then it got up and ran into the woods. He said there were a bunch, maybe 10-12.

He just got new tires yesterday and it's a good thing. He never would have been able to slam on his breaks and avoid having the deer go through his windshield. I guess he has a guardian angel on his shoulder!

He drove back around the circle after it happened, just to see if the deer was still there. He wanted to call Animal Control to put it out of it's misery if it was suffering. I felt bad for him. He was really shaken. I know that neither of my boys would never be able to hunt!!


  1. I hope the deer is okay and I'm glad your son was/is only shaken up and not hurt!

  2. Oh Michelle I am so glad that your son is okay. I am sure that he was concerned for the deer and wouldn't want it to suffer, but the main concern is for him. Don fixes alot of cars that have hit deer and it is usually an awful sight, with the people in the cars being really hurt or worse. Your son definitely had someone watching over him.

  3. OMG!! I'm so happy he wasn't hurt. That must have been awful for him. I hope he is feeling better today and that the deer is okay. I with your kids..I don't know how anyone can hunt animals. I think it is cruel.

  4. I am glad your son is ok. Michael hit a deer and it did come through his windshield. So yes he must of had a angel watching because those deers can do a lot of damage.

  5. SO glad to hear that your son is okay. It is very scary and it is really an awful experience all around.

    Your title, however, is appropriately clever, I must say.

  6. oh my ... i'm glad your son is alright. I think the deer is okay. Otherwise, it would stay there (too hurt to run, kwim?).

  7. Oh wow, that's awful. I'm glad he and his car are okay, and I hope the deer was too. I could never hunt either, although my husband does. I could never bear seeing the pretty deer hurt :(

  8. How scary for your son. I'm so glad he's alright.
