Friday, March 13, 2009

Nothing much accomplished...

I ended up having to run to the mall last night to return something and cash my son's check (he was working up there).

By the time I got home, there wasn't much time before my shows. I pulled out one of the adorable images I got from my friend, Paula (thanks a bunch!!!), and I colored it in with my prismas & gamsol. I was hoping to use some of my new C'ordinations paper to make an Easter card but I didn't get that far. I did color a couple of the jelly beans in purple so that I can use the black/purple paper.

Don't know if I'll have time to finish over the weekend. My dh is still talking about going snowmobiling and I have a feeling it'll be the last weekend this year. I really like to plan and hate last minute trips though! I also have mixed emotions...I'd like to go one last time but I also want to stay home.

The boys in the band (oldest son & friends) will be over to record and I haven't seen them in a long time. They are supposed to be going on a tour soon. I was thinking back to when he went on his first one. He was only 16 or 17. I cried as I watched the van & trailer pull away. I was so scared the entire time he was gone that something bad would happen. It ended up getting cut short which was fine with me!

Anyway, enough rambling for today. Hopefully I'll have photos to post (either snowmobiling or cards) over the weekend. Have a good one!

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