Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who me?!!!....

I was surprised to see this award on Paula's blog. She is an amazingly talented stamper who I visit every day. I really appreciate the luv, Paula!!! You're the best!

Now I'll be "The Spreader of Love" and here are the "rules":

The winner may put the logo on their blog.
Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
Nominate 5 blogs.
Put links to their blogs.
Leave a message for your nominees.
Or you can just enjoy the love!!

It's so hard to choose. I have a group of blogs I visit daily and I'd be lost without all of you! Here are my nominees:

Maia at Ianne'osphere
who always gives me a chuckle, posts great projects and is very sweet!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane - who always has great questions to ponder, great food chatter and lots of great book recommendations! And an adorable pup to boot!

Linda at These Are the Days - I'm always brought back to the days when my boys were little like Linda's gorgeous boys. They give me happy memories and many chuckles. She is an incredible mom.

Terri at Theresa's Life - Terri has lots of great movie reviews and wonderful photos of the amazing places she's been to.

Betsy at Delight in Simple Things Who gets me hysterically laughing with her humor. She is incredibly talented at scrapping and has older kiddos like me.


  1. aww .. I feel the love ... thank you Michelle !!! I will try to spread the love in a few days. I am being creamed at work ;-). Will celebrate with ice cream when weekend comes (and after I get the bloodwork done for next week's appointment). :-)

  2. Wow, I am honored and thank you! It is nice to feel loved!

    Actually, you remind me of the crafty scrappy person I was before having kids....and knowing that I will eventually get back to it when the boys are older is always a positive thought too! You are very inspiring!

  3. yes I feel the love- and I didn't even prepare my acceptance speech or anything- of course I want to thank all the little people
    but mainly you Michelle for being such a great blog buddy and always visiting even when I am a bad blog buddy.

  4. Awww, thank you Michelle! Aren't you the sweetest thing! :)

    I haven't felt like blogging for a while, so my blog is pretty boring right now, but thanks for the kind words :)

    Have a great day!

  5. Ok, first you are soooo sweet! 2nd just SUBMIT cards...they will SEND you FREE STAMPS...go back to my blog and click on the isn't a contest,they just want cards (or projects)...their limit is submit 3 cards, get 3 free cool and easy is that? 2nd, I've GOT To get that penguin set...everytime you use it I think of how much my stepdad would LOVE your card! Interested in an image swap? Just let me know...I'm SURE I've got an image you'd like...somewhere...LOL... LOVED the 2nd card pretty...I had to look really closely at how you expertly scalloped that striped paper...that's hard to do...looks awesome! Great job...and this is your epic length comment right here! LOL
