Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Talk about limited supply stamping...

I forgot to say that after my ride on Sunday, the boys brought me back to the house before going out again for a quick ride, and I stamped with my friend.

She asked me to show her how to get started and use what she had. It wasn't the easiest. She has some stuff but not a lot. She has some SU stamp sets and a limited supply of paper (no brown or decent white!!). She has some store bought markers that were horrible and bright. She had three stamp pads to choose from so this is why I chose the color combo I did. She had SU Basic Brown, Almost Amethyst and Mellow Moss and a nice pad of dps. I ended up ruining my card by stamping the sentiment that wasn't cut right so I had a mess around it. When I got home, I cut out the sentiment, used AA instead of CC and added a little color with pencils. I added some primas too. She didn't know what primas were. Oh yeah, and I had to use a gunky glue stick to adhere.

On my next trip up, I'm bringing her some brown, nice white, primas, etc. I told her she should order some SU markers at her next party. (Please excuse the lousy photo/crop job)


  1. That is TRULY A LIMITED SUPPLY CHALLENGE! LOL...I was thinking about you and your trip this weekend! Wondered how it went. Your card turned out very nice...you worked well within you confines! LOL!

  2. Such beautiful colors! I love that bird stamp...one I don't have :) I collect birdhouses and just love birds, but don't have any bird stamps, go figure! :)

  3. OH yes I just remembered my cute little birds from Olivia's Birdies set that I have--possibly my fave set ever! Lol.

  4. What a great card Michelle, tell your friend to just stop now or she will be addicted like the rest of us!

  5. Great job with the limited supplies!! We get so spoiled with everything we have and knowing the right paper,ink etc.

  6. Very cute, love the prima flowers!
