Thursday, February 19, 2009


What a night we had! I went to bed around 10:30 and zonked out. Around 11:30 our power went out. It came back on, went back out, over and over. It finally came back on. I went back to sleep after worrying about my son not being home yet and driving in the snow. At around 1:00 or so, it went out again, back and forth with loud buzzing and then a humungous flash that lit the entire house. I thought for sure that we wouldn't get power back for hours. It came back and stayed on. I resest the alarm and went back to sleep. I'm really wiped out today.

My back is aching and I'm almost ready to see a dr. for it. I've been procrastinating. It's starting to take my breath away at times. Sorry to gripe.

p.s. I saw PJ Man the other day and he had shiny RED shorts over black sweatpants. I don't know what happened to the pink?!


  1. Maybe the pink used to be red once upon a time but they faded and now he has a new pair? LOL

  2. Hope your back feels better- I find the computer is very bad or my back since I sit hunch over it a lot- but when I read your blog I straightened up immediately!

    Hope you feel better and your power stays on.

  3. Ugh, I would not get a good nights sleep with all of that going on either. I hate to hear your back is hurting. Could it just be your mattress? Or does it hurt other than when you wake up in the morning? Def go see a doctor, hopefully it's nothing but it's better to check.

    Take care :)

  4. hmm, red shorts and black pants. Maybe the pink is for the spring!
