Monday, February 16, 2009

Change in plans...

I had planned on staying home all day and stamping and/or scrapping a page or two. That changed completely. My aunt called to see if my mom and I wanted to go and visit my cousin and her newborn. I jumped at the chance.

We went to lunch first and met up with another cousin who has an adorable 6 month old boy. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory which I never get to. It was delish.

Then we went to see the beautiful baby girl who is my second cousin.

After I got home I made a quick card for the grandparents since it's their first. I'm not sure who makes the pink cs but I know it's not SU. The pp is SU and the certainly celery is as well.


  1. ooh, I like. So dainty !!!

  2. What a beautiful baby card! I love how you did scallop, square, scallop...never would have thought of that and I love how it looks!

  3. Thanks for stopping by with birthday wishes! I didn't know Stacy had done that but how sweet and thanks for thinking of me.
    I see you scrapbook so y'all must be scrapbook buddies! She used to do it more in the past but is probably getting back into it again. It's something I should have done, having 4 kids and all, but I just never picked up the bug.
    I think y'all must be facebook buddies too b/c I do believe I've seen your name on her wall. Have a good day!

  4. This is so cute Michelle! How nice that so many babies are coming into your family right now. If only they would stay small for a little while, they grow and change so fast. You are really good at making baby cards, they are not my best creations.

  5. Ooh, such a pretty pink card :) I bet she is a beautiful girl, hope mom and baby are doing great!
