Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nothing accomplished...

I didn't make any cards last night. I stamped a bunch of Valentine images for a friend.

I've been exhausted lately. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not sleeping well, sinus issues, or just mentally exhausted. My poor uncle with ALS is hanging on much longer than the nurses expected. He was given two days over the weekend and yesterday she said he couldn't last 24 hrs. So....I hate to post a downer but I may not be on over the next few days. I'm not sure if we'll have family staying with us or what yet.

QOTD: How many Valentines do you send out?

I usually make one for my hubby, mom, each son and I send one to my dad and my godmom. I used to be good and send them to my boys' godmom's too but I didn't last year.


  1. Hang it there! I'll be thinking of you! Don't beat yourself up, there is obviously a lot going on. There will be time latter to catch up on things.

  2. Keep us posted Michelle. My parents have 2 funerals/wakes this week. One was expected, the other was not.

  3. Your uncle, as well as your family are in my thoughts.

  4. I hope your uncle is not in a lot of pain and is able to spend his last time here where he's comfortable and peaceful. Let us know when you know more.

    To answer your question, I buy a big ONE card for V-day, for my hubby. Aren't I terrible?!
