Friday, January 16, 2009

Not fit for beast.....

Ok, I was complaining about the 8 and 9 degree temps. WELL....this morning I woke up and looked at the thermometer. I thought it said 18 degrees. My hubby said it wasn't possible, it must be 18 below. It wasn't 18 below, it was -8. I guess I should have put my glasses on. It got up to a balmy -5 by the time I got to work. I don't know how other parts of the country are dealing with the 40 below temps!! It is NASTY out there.

I started to make my twins card last night but then I realized it was Thurs. and my shows were on (Grey's, Private Practice) so I wrapped it up until this weekend. I'm having a hard time with a design made for two. I'm so used to the threes so I may have to look through some sketches or put a sentiment on the third block. I cut the babies out with my rectangle Nesties. If I like it enough, I'll post this weekend. Have a great one!

Oh, I guess I can post this sympathy for today. I felt like I needed something on the lower left but wanted to keep it simple since it is a sympathy. What do you think? Should I add something there? I used a Whipper Snapper bucket stamp, Prismas/Gamsol, SU Wild Wasabi and Perfect Plum (I think?) and dp, Labels #1 Nesties. I forget who makes the sentiment. The ribbon is May Arts.


  1. I love this! The color combo is beautiful and your coloring is amazing! Great card! TFS

  2. All I can say is WOW! I love, love , love this card Michelle! Your coloring on it is gorgeous and I love the colors that you picked to use.

  3. I think it is okay as it is. I love this card too. Just like a pro ... except you're not being paid :o).

  4. I think your card is perfect. Doesn't need a thing. I love the stamp and the colors you used. Great job! Keep warm.
    Check my blog. I have something for you!

  5. You did an amazing job coloring on this card. It looks great! I love it! I can't wait to see what you do for the twins.

  6. Absolutely stunning card...the ideal sympathy...not too over the top...just really perfect!

  7. Now that is cold!!! Don't think my thinned out blood could handle that kind of weather anymore- hopefully the flowers on the card made you in a warmer mood on the inside at least :)
