Thursday, January 08, 2009

No crafting last night...

I had good intentions but I ended up calling my sister-in-law who has a little shop in NH. She asked for some cards to sell so I sent up 40 from my stash! We ended up gabbing and I painted in a cupcake with Shimmerz while I talked to her but that's as far as I got.

Then I went to get caught up on some Facebook games and never went back to my room. Maybe later...

(no PJ pants today - ooops, I meant he wasn't there!)

1 comment:

  1. First, how awesome that your SIL is going to sell your cards in her shop! And WOW, how on earth can you have 40 in your "stash"?!!

    Funny about PJ guy, glad he wasn't out in the buff!

