Monday, January 19, 2009


Well, it was supposed to be my day off. I planned on playing all day (after a visit with my uncle and then grocery shopping). That didn't happen. My uncle had a bad night so I didn't go over. I stopped at the mall to get my free panties at Victoria's Secret and use the rest of my gift card. I popped in to see my mom because she works at the mall. Went grocery shopping and came home. My son asked me to make him breakfast so I did. Then we got a phone call about a showing tomorrow. So....out comes the vacuum. I ran around making sure every little thing was perfect. Thank God I cleaned yesterday, huh?!

I just sat down to make a card after making dinner. I decided it had to be quick and easy. I needed a valentine for my dad and had this image in my bin. I've gone back to cardmaking 101 but it's done!! I keep reading about simplifying in the scrapbook magazines so I suppose that's what I'm doing. Thanks for looking.


  1. Cute card! Might be "quick and easy" for you, but I doubt I could make one that looked that nice if I worked for weeks!

    Bummer that your day off didn't turn out like you had hoped. Cleaning is not my idea of fun on a day off either, but maybe it will pay off and your house stuff will move along some :)

    Take care and have a great day!!!!

  2. Sorry to here about not being able to play. Don't you hate when life gets in the way of playing.I love the card you made though. I have that truck but always use it for bday cards, never thought about Valentine's Day. Now you have my mind flying with ideas!

  3. very cute sentiment with the truckload of hearts.

    Sorry to hear that you didn't have a relaxing play day for your vacation. But at least you were productive.

  4. Cute card Michelle, life does get in the way of our fun doesn't it! Yesterday was fine, we stayed in and then had to shovel my parents porch. Of course I had to make a trip to Market Basket. Tuesdays are really busy for us, but I am stamping a little now. It is good to have a few minutes to myself, but that time is over!

  5. Just LOVE this card...sometimes simple is best! I love the clean lines...and the image is adorable! Very nice!

  6. I think this card is so cute. Great colors for a man. I have made so many Valentines card, I am ready to move on to Easter!
