Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Powered up....

What a day yesterday! I was swamped at work, so fuzzy from lack of sleep, quickly drove home from work and proceeded to spill a container of half and half on my car seat. NOT a good day.

Then I checked the mailbox. I had a package from a wonderful online friend (won't mention names just in case) who really made my day. I got two containers of Shimmerz in gorgeous colors that I had on my list!! I also got a beautiful homemade card and a bunch of Cuttlebug backgrounds. The best part was the sweet note she wrote inside the card. I am so grateful to have her as a friend, even if it's just online. I wish we didn't live on different sides of the country.

We went to my aunt's for dinner last night, went home to the dark, cold house. My hubby lit a fire to try and warm up the house. It was about 60 degrees out yesterday and inside my house was in the upper 40's. We just could not get that damp coldness out.

We ended up letting the fire go out around midnight. We slept on the recliner couch again. I was really getting cold and uncomfortable around 3:30 - 4, wrapped myself tighter in blankets and fell back to sleep. The power bleeped at 4:30 a.m. We were so psyched! We got up and started shutting off faucets, showers, etc. There was ugly brown water coming out at first so the toilets are stained and some of the sinks & 1 shower are kind of gross. I made sure my shower was all cleared up. What a relief it was to get into my own shower and take my time. I nearly jumped out the window when I stepped on the tiles though. They are still so cold!!

We are expecting a wintery mix for today and snow for tomorrow. I am seriously hoping we don't lose it again. There are so many limbss just hanging off trees that are way to high up to get down.

I am so far behind on Christmas. I've lost four days. I think I'll have to give up on the baking and maybe some Christmas cards. I got our families out yesterday. I really need to get out and shop and wrap everything up.

Thanks for all your good thoughts for our power! (and for putting up with boring text-heavy posts!!)


  1. I am SO happy for you. I just got a call from my sister in Hudson NH. She was near tears and said I HAVE MY ELECTRICITY! It is so nic to see everyone getting back to normal. Now Kerry needs to get hers back.....

  2. oh Michelle...I talked to peg today and she told me you were still without lights and heat. It stinks. I am soooo Happy that you are back in buisness, try to relax and people will understand if you don;t get everything done. Warm wishes your way!

  3. So glad you got power back, and I can just imagine how cold it was in your house. We lost power during Hurricane Katrina and it got in the low 90's INSIDE my house. Yikes. You definitely need to take it easy from now through the holidays and your time off. Let the baking and extra stuff go, no one will even notice, I bet. Or do what I did, drive to the story and BUY FUDGE or something instead of making it! LOL!
