Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More photos...

I wish I knew how to do a slide show. It was pretty and pretty ugly in some spots. I'm hoping we don't lose power again. Someone who works here lives about a mile away and she lost it again this a.m. I'm nervous.

The woodshed and trailer in the back....

The front of the house...look at those poor shrubs!


  1. I'll keep you in my prayers! All I can say is brrr...been there done that!

  2. Pretty pictures, but I hate you guys were without power. What a royal pain, especially near the holidays. Just keep it pretty and safe and no more messy stuff, k?! :)

  3. I am chilly just reading about your experiences and seeing the photos. I'll keep you in good and warm thoughts here!

    Do you have Picasa from Google? You could do a slideshow on there, I think. It's free.
