Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm so thankful .....

I am thankful.....

for My family
for My job
That my husband is still employed
for My ride that gets me back and forth to work
for the house we have to live in (even though we can't sell)
for the delish food we have to eat
That we still have my uncle Bob with us

And for my online friends, especially SBAers who I've gotten to know so well over the years. I appreciate the friendship and chuckles.

I hope you all have a Food and Family Filled Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!


  1. Good thankful list. My grandson, age 6 said he's thankful for pens, paper, toys, etc. He loves to do crafts.

  2. P.S. wanted to say I'm Barb-n-PA SBA.

  3. I am very thankful for YOU! I hope you and your family have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I am very THANKFUL for having met you. Hope you have a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving!

  5. I'm thankful for many of the things you listed, and so many more. And for so many of my wonderful online friends - including YOU! :)

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Although I am not an SBA-er I am thankful for you and your blog- all great things to be thankful for, hope you had a great turkey day!!
