Friday, November 14, 2008

Glad it's Friday...

I didn't get to any Christmas cards last night or the baby scrapbook I have to make by Thanksgiving. I started making this card for my aunt and then my mom told me the same aunt called to ask if she could borrow some scrapbooks. She's just starting out and needs some ideas.

So......I dug through to see which books would be best and then I dug through my stash. I came up with a bag bigger than my mom!! LOL I hope she can use it all. I told her I do NOT want any books, mags, or anything back. Whew, I feel a little lighter.

This is similar to one I made a while ago but couldn't post because it was for an online friend. She already got hers so I'll post this. It's a Whipper Snapper stamp, SU cs, dp, scallop punch and ribbon. I used Stickles in Diamond for the part below the flame and I used Robin's Nest dots (?). I colored it in with Prismas and Gamsol.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Cleaning out always does feel good - after it's over. It is the during the process part that I'm not so good at :)

    Hope you have a terrific weekend!!!

  2. Wow my husband would be so jealous- he can't throw stuff away, but he loves to give stuff that he doesn't want away. It makes him happier someone will be using it.

    So congrats on feeling lighter!

    fun card:) is your friend 1 today? he he he

  3. Cute card michelle. you did a nice job coloring!

  4. Very cute little card! It's always nice to share your stash, especially if you know someone will put it to good use.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Great that you were able to offload some stuff ;-).

    Great card ! cute as always. Love the scalloped border to the pp. Will need to try this technique someday.
