Friday, October 24, 2008

Two 'fer.....

Ok, I am bored with my own blog so I decided to put out some questions and hope you'll play along.

Two 'Fer(remember, only two):

1. Name two things you did yesterday/last night.
2. What are two of your current favorite foods
3. List two things you are looking forward to
4. Name two things you fear
5. What are your weekend plans

I know, it's kind of lame but that's all I could come up with....nothing thought provoking here! LOL

Here are my answers. Let me know if you decide to play!

1. I colored in an image and I watched Grey's Anatomy.
2. This is so hard....I love most foods. I will say a pumpkin muffin from Dunkin' Donuts (just ate one) and filet mignon.
4. I'm really looking forward to Halloween for reasons I'll have to tell later; and Thanksgiving. I love having a day to spend with my boys. We don't eat together very often any more. They are going in different directions and there's just no time.
5. My constant fear is something happening to my boys. My latest fear is this horrible economy. I seriously hope it turns around fast but highly doubt it.
6. I can't wait to see my cousin from San Fran tomorrow! He's one of the funniest, coolest guys on the planet! My boys may go too. He's very artsy like they are so they can relate. I'm also looking forward to just not working this weekend.


  1. 1. Watched Game Two of the World Series. Did laundry.
    2. Oh man... Ummm... Sour cream & chive mashed potatoes made from scratch. Angel hair with broccoli & sun-dried tomato pesto.
    3. Cooler weather. Thanksgiving.
    4. Walking outside at night by myself (I watch too many episodes of CSI-type shows). That the Rays will not be a 2008 fluke.
    5. Well, I *was* going to go to Disney but now it's going to be rainy, so... Redecorate my blog. Try to get my hands on Season Two of Dexter.

  2. This is fun! I love so many foods hard to pick only two! Halloween is fun-we are working on costumes tomorrow. I hope you have a lovely weekend off!

  3. Hope you have fun with your cousin.

    Love steak too! and I agree so many good foods to narrow down to just two.
