Monday, October 06, 2008

Leaf Peepers....

We went up north this weekend for our anniversary. We were hoping to see some moose while there. We traveled even further north from where we were staying to an area known for having moose walk down main st. We drove up 13 mile road and did not see one moose. We drove up to Dixville Notch (first electoral vote) which is almost on the Canadian border, still no moose (the above was our only viewing).

I will say that the foliage was peak and gorgeous! Unfortunately it was somewhat cloudy so our photos are very dark. It was beautiful in person, really.

Once in Dixville, we went to the Balsams resort and then up to their Panorama golf course. Wow, it was breathtaking! Not only was it gorgeous, but it had to be 32 with the windchill. It was 42 degrees without. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr....

After that, we drove through the Mt. Washington roadway and down the Kancamagus Highway which is also beautiful. We weaved through Maine and NH and finally came home. Here are a few photos. The reflections were amazing in the last couple. They're dark though. We also saw snow on Mt. Washington.

This is the Balsam's Resort. We used to go on ski trips there way back BC (before children).

Dixville Notch view from the Balsams.

Horrible photo of me showing how cold it was!!


Mt. Washington

Loon Mountain


  1. Wow, what beautiful pictures. I agree you look really cold in the picture but I think you look cute! :)

    Sorry about the the non-moose sighting. :(

    Have a great week!

  2. It is so pretty with the foliage and the scenery!

    It does look chilly-although Arizonans will be breaking out their jackets soon, as we are now finally below triple digits. LOL!

    I am glad you had a nice vacation!

  3. Love the photos! You look cold, but I love your outfit!

  4. I thought you were going til tuesday, and I came to harass you for leaving blog comments on your anniversary!

    Great views, I like the one of the resort from across the lake, I could just spend weeks there.

    Love your moose sighting, I have a collection of wierd road signs, however my moose is sitting.

    Glad you had a great time, enjoy your last day of relaxation.

  5. Bummer on the moose,but boy, it looks like a great trip! Cold, but great and beautiful colors. I'd so love to visit that part of the country :)

    Hope you guys had a wonderful Anniversary!

  6. LOL! You look a bit chilly, Michelle! I wouldn't want to see a real moose...they will charge you! and I don't mean that he'd ask for your AMEX card. hee hee hee

  7. Such lovely scenery !!! wish I was there, especially in that resort ! ;-) ... sorry you didn't get to see any moose. Bullwinkle must have an appointment. ;-)

    PS. You look great even when you're chilly. ;-)

  8. Wow, those pictures are just beautiful! I love the reflections one & the one with the stream.

    You look the new "do"...super cute outfit too.

    Sorry you didn't get to see any moose. They were out enjoying the view, I'm sure.
