Thursday, September 18, 2008


I had to do two sketch cards for my card group. I had a hard time with one (#2). I don't know why but I did. I finally gave up and decided to send them anyway. So last night I was packaging up the cards and decided I REALLY don't like the card and tried for another. The card came out decent enough. It's much better than the first card. I forgot to bring my camera so I'll have to upload later. Here are the sketches and one of the cards. I guess I better add that I used: SU cs & dp and Eastern Blooms set. The Thinking of you is CTMH, flower brads by MM, ink - no clue.

I also had an image challenge. It's a cute stamp and I had the right papers and all. I just whipped that one up and was as happy as I can be with any of my creations. Of course, that'll have to be posted later too.