Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A few of my favorite things...

We had a big storm last night. It was kind of bright out front so I looked out the front window & door and saw this. It was a double but you can't see it in a lot of the shots. I had to take my umbrella outside and I could barely fit the rainbow in. That's why the flag is in some of the photos (oops - also my for sale sign). I also heard rumblings of thunder so I didn't spend much time out there.

I have to ask my photographer friend why rainbows are so difficult to catch in photos. They were so vibrant in real life! Rainbows are amazing, aren't they?


  1. I think you did a nice job capturing the rainbow...those boogers ARE hard to photograph...kind of like fireflies...LOL

  2. I can see the two rainbows in one of your shots at least. I think its because of the bright skies that made your capture a bit dark (kinda like shooting with the sun behind your subject). I think anyway ... ;-)

  3. The rainbow pictures are nice but I am getting sick of all this rain!

  4. They are very hard to photograph! And we have them so rarely around here, for whatever reason (or maybe I'm just never in the right place at the right time). I can only remember one I've photographed in a long time, and not with my new fancy camera. Your shots are wonderful, and I'm so glad you were blessed to see that rainbow :)
