Sunday, August 03, 2008

I did it....

I finally scrapped!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of which, I have to ask....if you are making cards, do you consider that scrapping? My son's gf told me to have fun scrapping as they were leaving. I was making some challenge cards. I've seen others post on SBA that they scrapped but it was cards that they made. I usually say no to scrapping but yes, that I made cards. I guess it doesn't matter as long as I was creative, right?!

Ok, so I'm not the greatest scrapper in the world but here it is. I used my 1.99 Daisy D's paper and diecuts to do this lo that I have been putting off forever. It makes me cry just thinking about it. I used to make banana bread for my Nana and she bragged to the whole group she lived with at an assisted living facility. They used to watch for me coming in the door. I started to hide the breads in a bag so she didn't have to give it to those she didn't like! LOL She was very generous to the nice ones though. Anyway, it meant a lot to her that I would bake her favorite bread and visit. It meant a lot to me that she loved it so much. We used to sit and have a cup of tea and a piece of banana bread.

I'm so happy I finally sat down to do it. I've had the pictures for at least 2 years and couldn't bring myself to scrap it. I also did one titled, Legal, for my son's 21st birthday. I used that black and silver rock star paper. Fun!

Now on to the next wayward lo that has been sitting forever in my stash. It's a picture of my favorite sign in Maine. It's one photo and I always have trouble with that.


  1. Love the layout and the story! And yes, I consider card making to be's just smaller, right? wink wink!

  2. fun story to scrap about- and I will stand by you that card making is scrapping :)

  3. yep .. card making is also scrapping because you get to use the stash in the pool anyway ;-).

    I also remember the story about your nana. I'm glad you were finally able to put this on a layout to treasure forever.

  4. What a wonderful layout! I LOVE the colors and how you did everything on the pages, it's really really good! I think card making is scrapping. You should definitely feel like any time you're creating and using anything from your sb stuff, it counts :)

    Love the story about the bread, and your Nana, so sweet!

  5. Sometimes layouts are so hard to do but afterwards they are so theraputic(sp). Thanks for sharing with us! Love the layout!

  6. Great story and great layout! Yes, card making is scrapping :)

  7. that scrapping must of wore you out-since you haven't blogged since :)

  8. mmmmmmm! Looks good enough to eat! heeheehee
