Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The bagel man...

Just had to share about my ds' new job. First of all, it's very exciting that he's working. He's been looking all summer (not too hard though).

So he walked in the door last night from his first real day of work. He had a huge bag of bagels in his hand and a covered cup. He was smiling when I asked what he had. He got all the bagels they were going to trash and the cup was his share of tips for the day. I asked how it went and he said he drank Coolattas all day! LOL You'd have thought he died and gone to heaven. He's looking forward to today because he works til close again which means....more bagels!!!!!!! I guess I better stock up on the cream cheese! I hope the novelty doesn't wear off too soon. :-)


  1. Yum! You know, now that you mention it, I haven't had a bagel in awhile! They freeze great, so it looks like you'll have bagels for a long time to come.

  2. Wow, how do you beat free bagels, coolattas all day and the tip cup! Excellent!

    I love bagels-my sister-in-law Terri always buys me jalapeno/cheese bagels when I visit and I love making sandwiches with them. YUM!

  3. That sounds like an awesome job to me! I hope you're staying away from those bagels, that isn't on your eating plan surely, LOL! I love bagels but have to stay away from those and donuts except for special occasions.

    Hope he had a great big cup full of tips! And that his job continues to go well, keep us updated!

  4. What a yummy job!!!

    I have an award for you, come and see!

  5. So does that mean your having Sunday brunch each week? Yummmmm!!!!
