Thursday, August 21, 2008

All work and no play....

I was really busy today. I'm trying to get everything done before I go on ....
VACATION!!! Can you tell I'm stoked?!! One more day and it's a short one. I have a mammo & bone density test tomorrow and then I'm done.

I don't have plans to go away or anything. We may take a day trip or two since my dh only gets two of the days off. I really hope to take a ride to the ocean and get some fried clams!!

I'd also like to get myself in a routine. They say it takes 14 times for something to be a habit. I was told this by a hypnotist. Anyway, I'm really overweight and I can't seem to stick with a diet long enough. I think I need to start exercising again to feel better and eat less. So I really hope I can make myself walk daily and stick with it when I go back to work. Then I'm going to start walking up the five flights each morning again. My lungs can't handle it at this weight/shape! Boy, when I'm done with the eating I plan on doing during vacation, I will definitely need it.


  1. Yay for vacation! I hope that you are able to find what works for you so that you feel happy. I have been back into yoga and doing some calisthenics with my husband every other night to try and work up to getting out and biking when the weather is cooler (110 degrees today!) Enjoy the time off and do something super fun!

  2. Oops, I see now about vacation, I just left a comment about where are you going and what are you doing?!! :)

    Sounds like a good vacation, eat some clams for me, yummy! Hope you have a wonderful time and rest and relax. I need to get better about the exercise and stuff too. I lack discipline, big time. I have no other excuse :) If you figure out a way to get and stay motivated, please let me know!

    Have a good one!
