Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Ninety Six


When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed? Hehe, just last night!


Name one thing you miss about being a child. I miss spending time with my cousins at the beach or my grandparents pool.


Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil. Butter! Tough choice though.

Main Course

If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why? I would learn French since a few of my friends speak it. I already know Spanish.


Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be… Relaxing in my vacation home in Maine. Here's a photo of the lake from the beach.


  1. you already know spanish. that's nice.

    thanks for dropping by my feast @

  2. Happy Friday... I prefer our vacation home in Florida :-) Hey.. you come to Florida during the Maine winters and I'll come to Main during the summer heat :-)

  3. Time at the beach...wonderful!

    Wish I hadn't lost most of the Spanish I once knew...

    Can I visit you in Maine!?! :)
    I've always wanted to go there...

    Have a great weekend!

  4. bet your hair look fabulous!! Great feast this week.

  5. i spent a lot of time w/ my cousins too when i was a kid! why is that diff. as you get older? isn't it nice to reminisce our younger years? mine's up too at this link!

  6. Vacation home in Maine sounds like heaven. Beautiful hydrangeas, btw. I'd really like to try my hand at those, but we only have a balcony - no yard.

  7. Great feast! I need you to teach me some spanish words too - I see from the comments that I'm not alone. Maybe you need to do a new Spanish word of the day sometimes to teach us that don't have a clue, LOL!

    I hope you'll be in that new house in Maine before five years are up! :)

  8. You already know Spanish? That's really cool! Would you try commenting on my blog in Spanish (I write every post in both languages, except the memes)?

    You can find me here. Have a great weekend!

  9. I agree. Choosing between butter, olive oil is hard. I love them both but I choose olive oil for health reason. Great Feast!! i enjoy reading your blog.

  10. A Maine vacation sounds great.

    Hope you are having a great Friday.

  11. Your dessert looks and sounds awesome.

  12. Thanks for visiting me. Your ground in Maine looks wonderful!!

  13. Love the 5 year plan!
    Yes I miss those lazy days of summer just hanging out with friends and family at the pool.

    Hope you are having a good weekend!

  14. I took four years of French in high school. I can speak a smattering of it & understand a little more (I can read it more easily than I can listen to it). I have forgotten far more than I remember. I know random words though, and I clearly remember how to say "at the pool," "at the library" and "I have a hangover." LOL!
