Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still no crafting...

I made a fast thank you for dh's aunt who sent a nice grad gift to ds the other night but nothing since.

I was so tired last night so I sat down to read a magazine after dinner and I dozed off. Then I made myself get up and move. I started to get my stuff ready for the lss' yard sale coming up this weekend.

I hope I get a bunch of $$ in credit. I could use a little shopping spree. The other issue is I'm hoping to get rid of bulk before the move!


  1. Sounds like you're still run down from the busy partyin' weekend you had! I hope you get some stuff cleaned out and make lots of bucks in the process! I know you'll have fun spending it at the LSS :)

  2. Good luck selling your stuff at the garage sale!It will be easier moving with less .
    I have lots to get rid of too,i usually list them on ebay,but been so busy lately ,i haven't gotten around to it.

  3. Hope you can get some big bucks during the sale! great way to purge and earn ;-).

    I seriously need to cull out the pps I have. Some are too wallpapery and not even my color type. sigh .. this hoarding has got to stop lol ;)

  4. Good luck to you! Maybe you can stock up on the latest crafty stuff with your credit and earnings!
