Thursday, June 05, 2008

Quick update....

We just got our first offer on the house. I'm very nervous. I have no place to go yet and they want to move fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not a full offer so we'll definitely counter on the $$ and the closing time. took two weeks on the market to get our first. I guess that's a great thing during these times. Now if we could only find something decent to move into....

Taking a DEEP breath here.


  1. Oh wow, good news, but like you said, kinda scary news too! That is probably really good in this market. I know I've seen For Sale signs in our area on houses for weeks or months or more. Are you going on another round of house hunting this weekend?! Better get cracking on finding your new home :)

    Keep us updated!

  2. Congrats on your first offer !!! that is great news!

  3. WoW!!! That was fast!! I hope you find a place soon!!

  4. Things are moving along, huh? Wow. That must be exciting and nerve-wracking all at once! I hope you do find the place you are looking for and I imagine you will have to up the search if this offer goes through!

    GOOD LUCK! I look forward to updates! :)

  5. WOOHOOO!!!

    I hope everything goes well and you find your new place soon!!!

  6. Wow, that is exciting news...and a little scary. Homes here that are for sale have been sitting & sitting. I'm betting your home shows better than most in your area.

    I hope you get full price & find a new home sweet home, that's is perfect for you & your family.

    Hugs, Kimi

  7. Hey just wanted to say thanks for leaving the comment on my blog!!!
    It was sweet of you .........
