Friday, May 30, 2008

Zipping through them....

I zipped through some cards last night because my time is short these days. I will post two I made for my mom but I made those a week ago. I always give her one from us and one from the boys. She likes blue - can you tell?! I used SU cs on both & SU designer papers on one. You can't really see the glittery flowers on the first one but ...

I also cheated a bit. I copied the owl card I made a while back and made two other versions for upcoming birthdays - my brother and my dad (the owl and the moose).


  1. You are so creative! The glitter can be seen very well when the pictures are enlarged. What great detail!!!

  2. very nice and I love the cool colors !!! the sparkles add so much to its cuteness. Great cards as always !!!

  3. I am amazed on how much is going on with you and you still have time to make cards. Fantastic! I love Riley - I have the golfer.
