Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sat. update....

We didn't have any success house hunting today. I'm starting to think we are doing the wrong thing by putting our house on the market because I know it will sell fast and then we'll have no place to go. I'm getting nervous....

DH and I went out for his birthday lunch at Smokey Bones. Yum! I semi stuck with my diet. Then we went to the mall shopping. I haven't shopped in so long. I ended up with a couple of tops and white capris for tomorrow.

Anyway, here are a couple of mother's day cards I made. I had to keep them semi simple for my sanity. I hope all of you mother's (that does not sound good) have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!!!!!


  1. Bummer on the house hunting. That would be my biggest fear too. We had some "kids" that lived around the corner from us - young married couple with two very small children. They put their house for sale by owner and didn't expect a thing to happen, then it sold in four days, they said! They had to move in with the girls' parents while they sorted everything out. I hope they've found a house now. That would be my one big worry, but I bet it's all going to work out for you guys :)

    Cute cards, as always!!!

  2. Checking up on you.

    That is such a pain house hunting without any good prospects.

    The cards are cute.

    Smokey Bones closed down due to lack of business. They were only opened a year here.
