Friday, May 09, 2008

No Friday Feast for me...

I'm just too busy this weekend. I spent my day off cleaning out closets, doing laundry and food shopping. Also had lunch with dh at Panera.

Tomorrow morning we head out again looking at houses. There aren't many on our list because there aren't many out there that fit our criteria (2 car garage, parking enough for 4 cars, min. 2 full baths and bedrooms bigger than a postage stamp). It is NOT easy. Oh yeah, gas heat and central air, and in our price range. We are getting very discouraged. We started looking in MA today just to widen the possibilities.

Anyway, we may go to the IMax theatre tomorrow night to see the Rolling Stones movie. my dh is a big fan and it's his birthday on Mother's Day. I also have to make a dessert for the First Communion party on Sunday.

The boys will be coming for dinner after the party and I have no idea what we'll have because we won't be that hungry after the party. Ok, I am rambling....over and out!!


  1. You do sound busy, girl! I didn't play the FF either, but mine was from apathy and not busy-ness. I hope you guys have really good luck today with the house hunting. I know it can get discouraging, but there's a house out there somewhere for you :)

    If you do get to go to the IMAX, have fun! And wish your hubby a very happy birthday :) We might, slim chance, go see Iron Man today, but probably not. Too many other things to do...

    Have a good weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I am saying a happy house hunting prayer for ya! I know it is so hard to find exactly what you want at the price that you want.
