Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Sorry but I have to gripe again. I ran around last night making sure every crumb was off the floor, every door wiped down, etc. The house looked perfect (well, to me it did). I had the realtors tour scheduled for today. My son is home sleeping so I asked my dh to call the realtor to confirm 10 a.m. so that I didn't wake ds up for nothing.

Guess what? It's scheduled for NEXT week. Now I know I didn't get it wrong. I wrote it on my calendar while he was at my house. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

So I will go through the same thing next Tuesday. It's so frustrating. The lawn looked good, the house was clean, etc.

My other big frustration is I have NO idea what my mom and son will do after I leave. Will everything get wiped down (sinks)? will the toilet seat get left up? will my son shave or cut his hair and leave the hair behind?!!! I don't know how I'm going to make it through this without ending up in the looney bin.


  1. I do understand your frustration...hugs 2 u:).

    I guess the up side is that you have a clean house to enjoy for a little while...ugh~

  2. Bleh. I went through the whole house-selling thing once. Hated every second of it, I felt like my home was being invaded & like I couldn't dare to cook even without fear of the realtor calling to say "Make your exit immediately, I'm five minutes away with someone who wants to look."

  3. Okay, breath....hee, hee easy for me to say. Selling a home is very stressful but remember it will be over soon. Have everyone in the family do their share and then it will be easy for you to just pick-up before the house shows. We got lucky and the first person to look at the house bought it. Although we kept the house {open} for another week which meant cleaning but I was a SAHM so it was a little easier. The hard part was taking the dogs with me when I had to leave for an open house or walk through. Good luck...

  4. {{big hugs}} to you !!! I feel your frustration at home and I don't even have an open house scheduled.

    hang in there ... you'll get through this.

  5. I know how you feel. My only suggestion is to make a list of things you want you son to check before he leaves. Good luck!

  6. Ugh, I would be so incredibly frustrated too! I especially hate when other people are inefficient and it affects me. Blech.

    Hang in there, it is going to all work out :)
