Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bad blogger.....

I've been so busy in my personal and business life that I haven't had time to update. I haven't done a thing in my scrap space for at least a few days, maybe more. It's all a blur at this point.

My house is as ready as it's ever going to be. Tomorrow will be the photos/video and I'll be at work. I worked like a dog last night because tonight I won't get home until late from work. I have a big event here this afternoon and that's kept me busy too.

Next on the menu is my son's graduation party. I still haven't done invitations and I know I won't be making them. I just don't have the time. :-( I'm sure everyone is expecting a homemade invitation. OH well...not this time. I also have to do a photo board for him since I did that for my oldest. You know you have to keep things equal! Later.


  1. Not bad blogger, just busy blogger! Hope the photo/video goes well, as does all of your stuff at work. Gosh girl, when are you going to get a chance to catch your breath?!

    Hang in there, and have a good day!

  2. Sounds like your life has gotten very hectic! Hang in there! So your youngest is graduating? WOW! I also missed that you are selling your house - are you staying in the same area?

  3. At the busiest time of your life, you do what you need to do ... I'm sure the folks won't mind a non-handmade grad card.
