Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rotten teeth......

Well, I had yet another crown yesterday. My tooth was cracked. Oh well...another $900 down the drain. My throat is very sore today. I think it's from holding my mouth open too long. It's way in the back and it feels like a sore muscle although I had a sore throat yesterday before I went to the dentist. Can't go home though, I'm the only one in the front office today.

I got two cards done last night - one for a SBA friend's dh and I just copied it for my dh since I liked how it came out. It was a CASE from splitcoast though. I just didn't have time to come up with my own ideas!

I'm hoping to get another done for a SBA friend tonight (not telling who yet but it's not a bday ;-) and maybe my SIL & cousin. I have a list of May occasions/bdays to do before I pack up my schlock for a move and/or showing the house.


  1. I just hate going to the dentist.I have a few fillings to do and i'm dreading making the appointments.
    The last time i went in for fillings they gave me Valium lol,its that bad with me.
    Anyway hope you get your cards done tonight,i need to make a list of cards to make too.

  2. Ugh on the dental woes. Hope you have fun with your cards and the showing goes well. I cannot imagine having to pack and unpack my scrapping stuff for that. What a pain.

    Have a good day and feel better :)

  3. Oh how I hate the dentist!! *hugs* to you
