Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No projects to post....

It's been a little busy so I haven't stamped or scrapped since Sun. I picked my mess up and made my room look tidy last night.

We have a realtor coming to look at the house tonight. I'm not really happy about it. I love where I live and I'm very comfortable in the house. I do want to take advantage of the equity if we can sell it for what we want. Most people think we are crazy trying to sell right now. That's why we have the realtor coming over. Is it a good time? Boston Magazine said my town is one of the few holding it's own on the market prices. Keeping fingers crossed.

I just keep thinking about having the house on the market. It's been 14 years since we sold our last house. What a pain. You can't go out the door without everything being perfect. I can do it the night before but I have no idea what happens after I leave for work. Toilet seats get left up, etc. Grrrrr...


  1. I just moved here and can't think of what t will be like if we move and have to sell the house,especially with young kids in the home.
    You can always do appointments/call first,that way you'll know when to expect potential buyers so you can know when to straighten up etc.

  2. Hugs!! I don't know if I would put it on the market if you are happy with your house. We are going to be putting ours up very soon, hopefully it will sell, but with the way the market is here in MI, it doesn't look very promising.

  3. Are you staying in MA (same town or another town) or moving out?

  4. Isn't it amazing how many who have blogs also scrap...yep I'm another...lol
