Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A little play time....

Got in just a little bit of play time last night. My dh decided I was too crabby so he let me have the night off from decluttering.

I had to put together a card set for my aunt (add sentiments, etc.). I made a sympathy card & another mom's day card. I still have two mom's day cards and two May birthdays on my list, oh and a goodbye/happy retirement card. Then I can start on my June list.

I feel like I'm behind but I guess I'm not. It's not May yet and I have most of them done. I just feel so pressured to get it all done in case I have to pack it all up.

My dh eased my mind slightly last night - said we could move most of my sb stuff into his office in the basement while we show the house. WHEW! I was going to be having some serious withdrawals if not....

p.s. We are moving to Southern NH (or so we think at this point).


  1. Sounds like you have been a busy girl!! Good luck with the house hunt/sale. It can be stressfull but it looks like you guys are handeling it like a team!!! Too bad on the not taking a vacation this year :o(

  2. hooray for hubby for realizing how important your craft is for outlet.

  3. Wow-and whew! Southern NH...hmmm, my husband has relatives in NH, not sure where.

    GOOD LUCK! Sorry about the vacation.
