Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Eighty Seven


Name a color you find soothing.

I love aqua. It reminds me of my favorite place, the ocean.


Using 20 or less words, describe your first driving experience.

My stepdad pulled over the side of the highway and made me get in the driver's seat and just drive.


What material is your favorite item of clothing made out of? I guess that would be a soft cotton.

Main Course

Who is a great singer or musician who, if they were to come to your town for a concert, you would spend the night outside waiting for tickets to see?

I don't think I'd ever wait outside for anyone but just for yucks I'll say Eric Clapton. I did see him once and it was a fantastic concert!!


What is the most frequent letter of the alphabet in your whole name (first, middle, maiden, last, etc.)?

L most definitely. I have two in my first name, my middle and last (maiden) begins with L. Ok, I just recounted and L and E are tied.


  1. Aqua definitely has a soothing quality! Who better to listen to than Eric Clapton... but I really don't wanna stand in line all night!

    Have a great weekend and drop by here if you can!

  2. hi,

    thanks for checking out my feast.

    Aqua is really soothing...

    Happy weekend.

  3. Great feast Michelle! I answered the same as you about the concert - at this point in my life (and even when I was younger), it's just not worth it to me to camp outside overnight for tickets. BUT - I have seen Eric Clapton in concert and it was incredible! Possibly my favorite concert ever, but that's not a stretch, since I've only been to a handful. He was so incredible, though :)

    Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

  4. Aqua is a beautiful colour! Great feast today.

    My post...

    Happy FF!

  5. Hi Shell -- get here to check out your feast and my eye is wandering about your blog as if it were a buffet!

    Anyways, great feast. Aqua is nice and Eric Clapton, rock on!

    Hope you can stop by mine.
    Have a great weekend, the weather here is suppose to be snow free finally!

  6. I too like aqua because it reminds me of the beach. Throw in a few sea shells and you have a beach theme.

  7. Great FF... Your right too, Aqua is soothing!

  8. Your appetizer is indeed relaxing. I love the ocean too.

    Enjoyed your feast!

    Happy Friday!

  9. I like looks good on me. :)

  10. Isn't the ocean so calming. Yes, I am a scrapper, but I can't take credit for my blog, my friend Tina designed it for me. She posted her site at the bottom. For Goodness Sakes Blog Design.

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