Saturday, April 05, 2008

Footloose and fancy free...

Too funny, we are like teenagers tonight. My mom stayed at her sister's last night and tonight.

Last night we went about our usual stuff - Dh playing his guitar and me stamping. We enjoyed the day being able to have conversations in the kitchen without having to worry about someone coming around the corner.

Tonight we decided to go to dinner - just a pub type place for beer and appetizers. It was so nice to get out. I over did it a little.

On the way home we heard one of our favorites by Santana - Everything is Coming Our Way. We blasted the radio and sang along. Then I was saying if I had to choose three artists to take to a deserted island, I would choose Santana, Eric Clapton and Jack Johnson. My dh said if it were an island, he'd have to have Bob Marley.

Anyway, he had to practice for his jam tomorrow so he's blasting Steely Dan in the room next door and I thought I'd take a second to update my blog in a bit of a fog! LOL


  1. oohhh, I'm glad you had fun! Its great to be able to do this once in a while.

    You mentioned your family were musically inclined. Wish I could hear them have a jam session. I am sure they sound great. Bring on the guitar !!! love the sound of it. Especially the spanish guitar (?!?) ;-) sorry .. not sure of the right term.

  2. Sounds like fun, I'm so glad you had time to cut loose and have a good time :) Glad you got some stamping done too!

    Hope you have a great day!
