Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy weekend...

We went looking at houses/condos on Sat. We found one that may work (detached condo). We'd have to finish the basement so that my dh could play his guitar and I could have a scrap room. He has these great ideas for my room, shelves all around and an island to work on. I'm excited about that.

Sunday we went through our bathroom closet and under the sink. DH went through his side of the walk in closet. I need to do mine. Ugh....I hate this decluttering crap. It cuts into my creative time! LOL

I did sit down last night to finish 3 or 4 cards, some for May birthdays and one for Mother's Day.

Tonight we hit the attic while my ds' band is playing in the basement....


  1. the decluttering really adds a finality to your plans, doesn't it ? Good luck to you on finding a new home and selling your current one.

  2. That is awesome that you might have found a new place already! Your new scrap room sounds awesome, an island?!

    I would thoroughly hate the decluttering. I have done a little here, but I'm sure nothing on the scale of what you guys are having to do. Ugh. I dread it so, and believe me, you have my utmost sympathy!

    Have a great week :)

  3. Oooh, a scrap island? I am just drooling over here!

    If I lived anywhere closer, I'd come and lend a hand! I love to declutter!

    I hope you find the perfect place for all of you.
