Friday, April 11, 2008

Break needed....

Whew, I was all stressed about getting to Friday Feast before I get into my work for the day. I guess I needed the break.

Anyway, a sad story....

My oldest ds doesn't have very good luck, especially with cars. He's had ice fly off someone's roof on the highway and break his windshield, several hit and runs in a parking lot, his gf hit another car when he first got it (just a little dent on the bumper), etc.

So last night, he was driving home from work and two large dogs ran right into his car. He thinks they were weinereimers (sp?). He is such an animal lover so it really bothered him. One dog ran off and the other's leg was dangling and definitely broken. He has an imprint of the head in his car. The owners apologized to him so they knew it wasn't his fault. Somehow the dogs got out. Anyway, he felt SO bad, he didn't get their insurance info purposes. He helped the owner get blankets and put a splint on. He said it's only a car and he hopes the dog is ok. He is a sweetie...


  1. Gee, that is sad he has so much bad luck. Maybe if he thinks positive thoughts the bad luck will go away.

    I hope the dog is ok too.
    It is such a tough situation to deal with but things will get better for all in the end.

  2. Awww, poor doggies! I hope they are ok too. I would be so upset if I hit a dog, even if it was an accident. I probably wouldn't have gotten a single bit of sleep, so I know how he feels. Hope everything is much better soon, tell him to hang in there :)

  3. Oh my....i'm glad he wasn't hurt and it sounds like the dogs will be ok too.
    I feel for him though with all the car issues,tell him to stay strong and hang in there!

  4. Wow, what a compassionate son and I really hope that his luck will turn. I also hope the dog will be okay.

    I have a friend who has totaled 5 cars-her dad was a car dealer for years, so she was lucky in that sense, but a few months ago, she had just paid off her car and it was totaled. She can joke about it which is good too, but I always worry about her driving around! It's funny how life hands us such crazy things. I'll send some good thoughts for your son and the pups too.

  5. Wow...poor dogs and I feel for your son. I'm glad it wasn't any worse!
