Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Whew...I'm tired...

I didn't get a good night's sleep. I was scrapbooking like crazy! LOL I don't know why this happens sometimes. I come up with some great layouts (only while sleeping) for pages and cards. I couldn't stop myself. I just kept going and going and going. I also woke up a few times hearing my husband's machine squeaking.

I've probably asked this before, but does this happen to you? Something you enjoy doing or that you are good at comes into your brain while dreaming? And I'm not saying I'm good at it, I just enjoy it.

I hope I can get some uninterrupted sleep tonight!


  1. This happened to me a long time ago, pre-ds. But i would wake up really early like 4 am and start scrapping till about 7:30 am, then I would stop because I needed to get ready for work. We used to live 5-10 mins away from work ... I miss those times but wouldn't trade this one for anything.

    At least you were productive in your insomnia ;-) ... hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

  2. Hope you sleep better tonight......I never had this happen to me ......i am usually to exhausted to think of anything when its time to sleep lol.
    Most times i don't dream and when i do i usually forget what it was about...ever had that happen to dream about something and can't remember next morning what you dreamt about?

  3. It might happen, but I probably won't remember it. I don't even tend to remember my dreams or nightmares, much less other "stuff". Heck, these days, I'm having trouble sleeping through the night. I hate getting older :(

    Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!

  4. This happens to my friend after we've been scrapping. She thinks or dreams about scrapping all night. Too funny but I hope you get some sleep tonight!!!

  5. I wish this happened to me! LOL Actually, maybe once I actually start getting some LOs done, this will happene to me. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

    Have you posted your layouts anywhere?
