Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekend update...

I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. I did. It was quiet but nice. Usually we get together with my whole family (approx. 25-30) people. This year no one wanted to do it. We spent the day at home in our comfy clothes, enjoying each others company.

My oldest came by himself (well, he brought little Reese). His gf went to see her mom. We ate a ton - ham, Cracker Barrel potatoes, broccoli, corn, bread, and lots of candy! I seriously need to diet this week.

Anyway, we had fun playing with Reese and talking to our boys and my mom. Of course, the boys retired to Man Town in the basement. My dh had to try out my ds' guitar to see if he needs yet another guitar. He's recently started collecting! And he thought my sb supplies cost us a bundle....


  1. hey, I'm back !!! ;-) .. had a very busy/hectic weekend but it was great!

    I'm glad you had a nice gathering with your family. Belated Happy Easter to you by the way.

  2. Sounds like a good weekend and Easter. I wish we had been able to stay home in comfy clothes, but we were on the road to a family get-together we go to most every year. Got to see lots of my husband's extended family though :)

    Have a great week!

  3. Glad you have a nice Easter.
    Can i join you on that diet....i bought lots of peep for my kids and then realized that i'm the only one who really likes them so now i'm the only one eating them,i may have to throw them out,but how can you do that to innocent cute little peeps??

  4. Happy belated Easter and sounds like a full day with delicious food. I know that I ate WAY too many carb-alicious foods. My cute husband mistimed Easter dinner so he ended up cooking his ham tonight for dinner.

    Happy Monday!
