Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much...

This is so not me. It's what we call a secret image challenge in my card group. Someone sends everyone an image and you figure out how to make it into a card and send it to your partner. This took me a bit. I painted the blue with Twinkling H2os. It's hard to see in the photo but the blue is really irridescent (sp?). Actually, if you double click you can see the sparkly effect.


  1. You did a great job with this card!!

    I love everything about it especially the really fits well.

    I have to check out that shiny stuff...its beautiful.

  2. oh wow !! talk about being out of your comfort zone of an image ;-) ...
    you did wonderful ... I am liking that sparkly stuff.

  3. LOVE IT! I want to play. Sounds like fun.
    love ya!
