Monday, March 10, 2008

A new cd....

I was so surprised when I got home the other day. I saw Sheryl Crow's new cd, Detours, on the counter. My dh knew I wanted it and bought it for me. I was a little surprised because he usually plans everything so a "on a whim" purchase isn't usually his style. I was pleasantly surprised! It's a decent cd. It'll take a few times for me to decide whether it's as good as the last. I do love Shine Over Babylon and Love is Free. There's one other but I don't remember the name. I thought it was #5. Anyway, the lyrics are very political.


  1. Awww, wasn't that just the sweetest thing?! So thoughtful :)

  2. What a great DH! I heard some of her new album in one store and thought about checking in out. She is hit or miss for me, but we love her song from the Cars soundtrack.

  3. What a nice thing for your hubby to do...they make you feel so special when they do things like this!!
