Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Eighty Three


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting? Probably about a 2. I really don't like it at all.


Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers -- I really don't like baths at all!


What was the last bad movie you watched? Pirates of the Caribbean III (way too weird for me)

Main Course

Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.

Well, about the only thing I'm addicted to is stamping/scrapping. I think that's a pretty good habit to have. It doesn't really affect my life other than I spend a lot of time in my craft room and I spend too much money on supplies.


Which instrument is your favorite to listen to? I love guitar.


  1. I don't like my handwriting either.....but i like it better than hubby's lol.

    So are we gonna see a pic of your new haircut?

  2. OMG you didn't like POTC was a little weird but who cares when you have Johnny and Orlando in it??

    Happy Feasting and Thanks for Dropping by.

  3. Great feast!! I never cared for the Pirate movies either, so never watched them. Not only does the hubby play the guitar, he builds them as well!!

  4. Re: your comment on my blog...
    I haven't read Water for Elephants...but i have heard about it several times before....i believe its on my list TBR...a list thats extremely long lol.
    I have 3 books waiting at home maybe my next trip to the library i'll pick it up!

  5. Pirates 3 is the last movie I saw in a theater, but I liked it. LOL! Have a great weekend!

  6. Great feast Michelle! I don't like my handwriting as much as I used to. Too much computer typing :)

    You know, we didn't really like Pirates 3 either. I'm so glad we didn't rush out to the theater to see it. I felt bad enough that we spent money to rent it, it really wasn't very good at all.

    Hope you have a great day and weekend!!!

  7. Great feast Shell! I liked Pirates 3 but not as well as the others.

    Thanks for stopping by my feast and have a terrific weekend!

  8. I didn't "get" pirates either. I stopped watching quickly.

  9. I forgot about guitar when I put my fav. instruments. Happy feasting! THanks for stopping by.

  10. Wish you lived close enough to inspire me to scrapbook. Or just do mine for me! LOL

  11. I love the guitar too. :)
    Great feast! I'm not in it, but I'm inviting you to check out Hip Mama's Place for cool giveaways, a mom blog directory to list your blog, and other fab contests for moms!

    Thanks and have a great weekend! :)

  12. you can't have a good rock song with guitars :-)

  13. Oh. I wish that I could play the guitar. I have one sitting in my closet that my husband got for me 18 years ago. I think it's about time that I take lessons.

  14. We just got Pirates III from Netflix. I have no interest, but DH does.

    I love guitar too! I think our feasts are pretty similar!

  15. Hahaha...I have not come across anyone who said that Pirates of the Caribbean is a bad movie. All goes ga-ga over Johnny Depp for sure. :D


  16. You're the only other one I've seen who doesn't like their handwriting.

  17. you are the 3rd person that has said they didnt like pirates...i havent seen it yet, but i really want to cause i loved the first two, sometimes i think they play moves up so much that people have high expectations for them and then they suck, and it kills it...kind of like when you go to mcdonalds and you want hot fries, and you get cold ones! haha! love your feast!
