Wednesday, March 26, 2008

All work, no play...

Ugh....sometimes I hate this time of year. It's SO busy here. Most people think we should be winding down by now (I forget who posted a comment about that).

Anyway, we have awards ceremony, 2 major lectures, it's end of our fiscal year and it's just crazy. We also have a summer session to get ready for.

With that said, I just dropped in to say I hope to be posting my "spring" photo tomorrow.


  1. I look forward to seeing your spring photo ,especially after all the snow you've had...aren't you glad its over!

    I would be happy to come help do your space lol, i like playing with the SB stuff,its the actual scrapping i have a problem with.

  2. Happy Spring! Wow, quite a schedule you are keeping-where do you find all the time to make those cutie cards?

    I'll check back for a spring photo!
