Thursday, February 28, 2008

A tween card...

I had to make a card for my nephew who is a tween. I know it wouldn't be cool to add ribbon and other things so I kept it really plain in manly colors.
I used elements from my penguin (Memory Box) set. Also, I used SU papers and some inks (pumpkin pie, old olive and I cannot remember that blue one that's NOT night of navy). The sentiment was part of a new SU set I got from Sale-A-Bration.


  1. I love this one.
    I had such a hard time doing a card for my son.That was actually the second card i ever did and it was hard because it was for a boy.

    You seem to use stamps alot on your cards...maybe i need to get some more stamps seeing that i'm getting into card making now.

    Do you have any basic sets to recommend?

  2. very nice. I love the colors and elements on this one. Great job !!!

    ps. regarding the delicacies, one is for a meal, you can eat it with rice, I can probably make it here but the ingredients call for lots of coconut milk (cholesterol) so maybe I won't make this one. The second one is still a product made with coconut milk and I think rice flour and as you mix it, it somehow solidifies, so you put this along with other things and put it inside banana leaves and boil it until its cooked. We usually eat is stand-alone, so maybe its a breakfast / snack item. I think it is a derivative of (mexican) maya tamales but we don't use corn and instead use rice. - I'll probably just live with it.

  3. It would be tricky to make a card for a boy, let alone an almost did a wonderful job and I think the colors are great choices.
