Friday, February 29, 2008

Not green....

I just saw the weirdest thing and had to share.

I was on my lunch break and was driving over a bridge. I hate when I'm stopped at a light ON the bridge. I get jittery. So I was looking around trying to keep my mind off it when I saw this man bend over to pick up a plastic cup someone dropped. I thought it was so nice of him to do until I saw him bend over again, put the cup in one of the grates and proceeded to step on it so that it went through to the river!!!!!!!!! WTH?!!!

I almost rolled my window down and yelled at him but I was afraid he'd beat me up. He looked a little rough around the edges.

I wondered what my blog friend, Theresa, would do in that instance.


  1. Funny it really gets under my skin when people litter! Hope you have a great weekend! :o)

  2. boink ...that would irritate me too.

  3. That's something a young child would sure wouldn't expect a grown man to do it.

    Some people. :rolling eyes:
