Thursday, February 14, 2008

My baby is 18....

(a grungy card for my boy)

I feel old. It just doesn't seem possible that it's been 18 years. I just had to post some random photos of my son on his birthday.

Forgot my favorite (my boys would be angry with me for this):


  1. I feel kinda sad looking at them,its reminding me of my 15 yr old growing up too.
    It all seems to go so fast.
    I think this will make a great LO!!
    I wish we can keep them small forever : (

  2. I am amazed the your baby has let you keep that picture of him in the hat :) Good color for him.

    Hope you have a nice time celebrating his birthday- even it is a bit sad.

    No you are not old! repeat this!!

  3. The Friday's Feast website is still down.

    Wanna play my set? It's here.

    Happy FF!

  4. Wow, they grow up fast, don't they?! Great photos, and I hope he had an awesome birthday :)

  5. LOL, Theresa!! I think he would not be too happy with me if he only knew I had that up! I just couldn't resist.

    Yes, it's sad how fast they grow up but it's also nice as they become adults (ok, I'm trying to convince myself here).

  6. Awww! I don't know what I will do when my son turns 18! Probably cry! LOl!

  7. happy 18th bday to your ds !!! his smile is so adorable. I miss my kiddo who is in daycare right now. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures as he grows older.

    ps. i posted something just now ;-). thanks for thinking about me.

  8. Happy 18th to your son-I hope he has a great day! What a great collage of photos over the years....does it really go that quickly?? Sniff, sniff.

  9. Oh I feel for you. I am fretting my oldest becoming a teenager this year. I can't imagine my baby being 18.

    Funny about your favorite picture and the boys not liking it, I thought he might not like the one of him in a pink hat!

  10. Wow! 18!?!? My oldest is 14. It goes by way too fast! The card is great btw! Happy Birthday to your baby! :)

  11. Not sure if I missed the card last time or not, but I like it- Great for and 18 year boy.

    Also somehow I must of missed the last one of your boys together, that one is way tooooo cute, yes definitely my favorite.

  12. Wow...I know how you feel where does the time go?? My dd will be 18 next month....sigh.

    Happy Birthday to your boy!!

  13. Awww Happy Birthday to your son! He is a cutie!
