Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar eclipse....

We had a great view of the lunar eclipse last night. It was clear as a bell! I got a photo or two from the front door before it really started to darken. After that, I watched from the family room window. It was amazing!!!!!!!! Did any of you see it?

My photos are horrible but here you go:


  1. I just peeked outside my window during the last parts of it. Didn't try to take pictures either .. bahbahbah ...

    ps. i'll be silent for a bit. have a deadline to meet at work for march 7. wish I can just scrap too ;-).

  2. I didn't see it,thats great that you got some pics!

  3. Gosh, I simply forgot. Glad you have pics to share, lol!

  4. Hey, I am happy you snapped a few pictures! My friend Julie and I were at my house talking and her husband called to remind us to look. Phoenix was incredibly cloudy and we had no view, so we strapped the boys in the car and drove around looking for a vantage point. Unfortunately we never saw it.

    Yep, I am back on the blog ring... but I have a huge amount of chorale work to do, so I might not get to surf until Sunday night.
